Some Surprises Today !

April 10th, 2006

Today some 6 of us (including Moyeen) went to conduct HOL (Hands-on-lab) sessions at MNM engg. college. The sessions went very well and there were quite some surprise elements today.

1. This was the first college that had 1st year students present for HOLs and those guys were well informed too. Some of them had programmed in VB also (thats cool !).
2. The chief organiser for this HOL was a guy from 1st year Information Technology named Aravind. Very rarely do first year buddies take so much interest in such activities. He also took enough pains to ensure that everything was in place…Very nice dude! Hats off to you.
3. The 1st year and the 2nd year people were able to grasp the concepts faster than the 3rd year people 😉 and they developed all those small applications very quickly. Some of them were a bit slow and we were very very happy to get them on track.
4. 1 student specifically mentioned my name on the feedback form saying that the “Intro session from Aswin of Jeppiaar was excellent :D”. Thanks buddy!! I’m going to keep the feedback form as a souvenir.
5. My brother connected some 2 extra speakers to the existing speakers and moved them to the corners of the room to get a mini-theatre effect, he he. Its surprising ‘cos i was supposed to do this today and he did it himself…(claps)…necessity is the mother of invention.
6. A video of the presentation done by Moyeen and myself, at BarCampChennai is put up on YouTube. Have a look at it. There are more videos at the BarCampChennai wiki also. Enjoy! watching them too 🙂

Update: Narain, CEO of 360 Interactive, invites Moyeen, Prathul and myself for a cup of tea and is ready to give tips on improving presentation skills before a geeky audience. Ooo!! and we are sooooooooooooooooooooooo glad to accept it :D.

Update 2: Gmail isn’t opening today and its giving some crap error. So, im downloading all the emails through mSync (my final year project) and viewing it on my web client ;). Kinda feels nice and great(!) you know…when you are on your own, he he.

The last week had been awesome, starting the trip to bangalore for MEDC 2006 and ending with the HOL at MNM Jain Engg. College.

Man!! Life ROCKS!!!


6 Responses to “Some Surprises Today !”

  1. Yuvi Panda Says:

    You’re having an awesome time dude. Keep that up. And, that justifies the great adjective:D

  2. Bosky Says:

    it was indeed a g8 show,lot of exposure for the ms student partner program as well 😉 and your project(msync) rocks !

    Keep Clicking,

  3. sathish Says:

    aswin, send me your mail id. i need your whiteboard for Bangalore BarCamp as we had dicussed in chennai…
    i will let you know the modifications also reqd…

  4. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    i will dude… thanks a lot! 😀

    thanks a lot man 😀

    i have posted a comment on ur blog 🙂

  5. sagaro Says:

    Awesome da. Way to go.

  6. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    Thanks man!! 😀