Anna University Homepage

August 5th, 2006

Wow!!! look at that! Anna University, one of the foremost universities in India has a RedHat test page.

Here’s the screenshot.

15 Responses to “Anna University Homepage”

  1. Yuvi Panda Says:

    Manual Trackback:
    Aswin’s a Kid!

    Leave a comment dude…:D And, maybe, do a Reverse:P

  2. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    ur trackback make me ROTFL 🙂

  3. Yuvi Panda Says:

    😀 Thanks dude…Nothin serious…;)

  4. Yuvi Panda Says:

    Norton Internet Security?:-? Confused…..

  5. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    That globe u saw is called the “Alert Tracker”. It pops info on which app is trying to access the internet, who is trying our computer etc. Similar to the toast on the status bar..

  6. Jacob Says:

    Its back online, a yaaaaa for using linux, apache and PHP.
    Could help reading yuvi’s blog. Lol 🙂

  7. Known Stranger Says:


  8. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    lol… good that u r happy now 😉 you could do with a nice post on blogcamp 😉

  9. bluesaze Says:

    @Aswin I think i wrote that post about blogcamp without reviewing it well. I hadn’t meant it to sound negative. Plus I think my language was misunderstood. I was analysing it more from a design perpective not content wise. 🙂

  10. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    No probs buddy. Your mini review brought out a lot of things that needed to be fixed.

    Btw, there are some issues with css. If i’m unable to fix it myself, i will sound a red alert to u 😀 Pitch in!

    Trackback ur blog on homepage.

  11. bluesaze Says:

    no problem …. let me know any time. If you guys need any kind of help regarding web design or presentation.

    I wipped up a few more (Web 2.0fied) badges with more color choices So people can choose. which color they like.

    Will trackback to the website blogcamp website.

  12. jacob Says:

    opps I made a mistake while track backing …… i posted instead of so the link is not working properly. 🙁

  13. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    Will correct buddy.. dont worry 🙂

  14. Gnanesh G.E Says:

    Hello very nice………..i need the info about M.E course

  15. sindhuja .M Says:

    still now i dint recive my councilling call letter i want to know when the councilling gets stated how come i can check it out pls help ya…