BlogCamp Live!

September 9th, 2006

Blogcamp is going on great :). We are almost on the end of a very energetic day 1. We had different workshops on track 2 and sessions on track 1. Track 2 was more of an unconference style. GAPP started track 2 with a preview of and, with Prasanna continuing on Beta Blogger. I did a quick 20 minute session on wordpress hacks.

Kausik, Kiruba and Ram Viswanathan continued the afternoon session with a beautiful workshop on podcasting. This session started off on a conference style. The audience couldn’t hold it long and soon started pitching in. Kausik was almost ragged towards the end of the session. Varun then started off with mobile blogging and now Bosky is on with “Ajaxifying your blog”. Amit Agarwal is on an interactive session at track 1. He is talking about “Professional Blogging”.

We are about 150+ strong bloggers, techies, podcasters, video blogers etc. etc. all at one place, having superb fun, sharing knowledge and experience. By the way, did I tell you about the 10 dedicated computers for live blogging? hey, we are also webcasting the event live! Head on to and see it. My session would be up on my tech blog and on bothack shortly. More on the event coming soon……

2 Responses to “BlogCamp Live!”

  1. Yuvi Panda Says:

    Enjoy! You techin off while I’m tryin to wade throu Chemistry, huh? Enjoy dude…

  2. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    he he.. sure 🙂