Update on BlogCamp
September 9th, 2006
I soon shifted back to the first floor mini auditorium. A small tech crowd formed there and bosky was in full flow with “Ajaxifying your Blogs”. He even showed us some really cool demos that he had developed using ajax. Check his blog. Continuing on this topic, we had another guy named Karthik. He is a long time web user turned web designing hobbyist. He showcased his skills as he unravelled his story about the way he developed his own blogging software that runs on his site. It gave a lot of inspiration for the many of us who complain of not having time to do other small things that we are passionate about.
Ford announced an iPod contest and hey, we are running live blogging, photo blogging, video blogging and podcasting contests too! Join the fun. Moving down, the sessions scheduled today were over. We have hired a bus and we are moving to the beach house in another 30 minutes. Yay!!
Catch you soon…
September 10th, 2006 at 9:13 am
Hey 8 ),
you can check out the rest of the demos at the foll links:
bhaskervk.com/blogCamp/timeline.html and bhaskervk.com/blogCamp/blogCamperKode.html
Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode
September 10th, 2006 at 10:36 am
Thanks dude… that will come handy