August 23rd, 2009
Its good to be a kid – a *real* kid – once in a while.
I’m a regular visitor to the beach. Its one of my favourite places in the city. Where else do you get amazing peace of mind with lots of space and hot bajji? So, one fine day, myself and 2 more of my friends decided that its been many days since we went wet our feet at the beach. Marina is just about 10 minutes walk from my home.

Beach 😀
It was a full moon day and the tides were high. We went straight waist deep into the water. A few minutes later, a huge and strong wave came and pushed us down! Since I knew a bit of swimming, I floated with the water and reached the shore. This was something I never expected.
Two and two together, we ran to waist deep again & turned our backs. When the next wave came in, we jumped on top of the wave and swam to the shore. That was fun I tell you!
From somewhere, a rubber ball fell besides us. We picked up the ball and tried to throw it back to the claimant but no one claimed it 😉 and it was some more fun time! Totally wet from all the swimming, one of us stood near the shore and threw the ball in to the water. We dived in to retrieve it and throw it back. All through this episode, we were making so much noise that passers by would have surely noticed us. To hell with them! Who cares … We were having so much fun!
After an hour and a half of this, we decided to start back home. The lone noor rooba note in my pocket was fully wet and dripping. Carefully we retrieved it and exchanged it for some spicy kadalai and bajji.
Its nice to be like this once in a while 🙂
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September 1st, 2009 at 2:44 pm
You claim you already knew to swim (dated August 23rd) …then why all that fuss to plunge into the pool 😛
September 1st, 2009 at 7:56 pm
@Anagha: Lol … Its like this. I know but I don’t know 😉 Fear factor was missing the other day. Dunno how it came during the dive he he.. I lost it anyway 😀
November 14th, 2009 at 2:54 am
dei u and pattu always lie yo know swimming 🙂
November 16th, 2009 at 4:40 pm
ha ha ha… i will mail you a video of me diving sometime soon