Hey all,

Its been about 4 months since the conversation lister tool for twitter was implemented. I’m not sure how many of you are using it but then I have surely had many funny moments reading whole conversations with it. Those who have been following me on twitter would have surely gone through some of those funny conversations. Here are some of those conversations for you to relish.

Today is Moyeen‘s birthday. So this blog post is dedicated to him.

@Jaggy is a good friend of mine. He’s on twitter pretty much all the time & sometimes he gets ragged 🙂 causing many of us to laugh. Here is one such conversation featuring our dear Jaggy getting torn apart by @procoder. Screenshot below:


Here’s the next conversation featuring @lone_observer, @82kg and @adapaavi. In this one, @82kg is teased by @adapaavi after a seemingly *innocent* tweet from @82kg. The first tweet from this thread is missing because @Shillika’s account no longer exists. But anyway, check out the conversation below. Click on the image to view the full conversation.


And then, this awesome discussion on “cum” and “come” between @82kg and @yuvipanda. This conversation was awesome as well. Lol.


Last but not the least, here’s our @procoder getting ragged by myself and @azaxacavabanama based on his college antics few years ago 🙂 … Nostalgia kicked in!


Hope you enjoyed the conversations above 🙂 . If you wish you generate a conversation like this, its pretty simple. Wait for the conversation to get over. Then obtain the tweet’s number from the permalink of the last tweet in the conversation. This is better shown in the tool’s page itself. Once the conversation is generated, post the conversation’s link to your twitter account.

All in all, this is a pretty basic tool. If you want any feature to be added, let me know in the comments.

8 Responses to “Some Interesting Twitter Conversations”

  1. Revan Says:

    Wow.. ROTFL…

  2. Jaggy Says:

    Boy!!!!!!!!!!! You are seriously Jobless to dig through the archives to post this!

  3. Aswin Anand Says:

    @Jaggy: dude, only a mad ass like you will dig through the archives. When a conversation is interesting, I save that link elsewhere for future use 😉 & now its useful.

    @adapaavi: lol .. @procoder romba pavam 😉

  4. adapaavi Says:

    dei why does convo lister mention procoder sightadichifying tweet? he that bad-a? on ye spost ur reply as tweet. again kalaisify him

  5. Yuvi Says:

    You missed out a few epic ones because you were busy, uhm, well, doing whatever 😛

  6. Aswin Anand Says:

    @Yuvi: Which ones?

  7. Waves » Blog Archive » Threaded Tweets Says:

    […] Interesting Twitter Conversations […]

  8. matt nathanson music fan Says:

    Hey, I just wanted to drop a note and say nice post!