Fun Poems

December 11th, 2005

hi!! read these 2 poems….

saptiya bun
beachla mun
shoot panrathuku gun
kalayla udhikum sun
unga appavuku nee oru son

pepsi romba gup
nee kooda romba gabbu
vekka poraen appu
sariya mappu
beer kudicha erum mabbu
velaiku pona kidaikum dabbu
un mela enakku veruppu
en endral nee romba sharpu
nan than idhai writingu adhai nee nambu!!

Ha ha ha….these 2 are really comic…no meaning in them though. Ofcourse, they weren’t written by me.

Email Time Capsule

November 28th, 2005

hi!! has an innovative idea called the Time Capsule. Its aim is to collect emails now and then send it to you in the next 1/3/5/10/20 years which ever you prefer. Fancy reading a message 20 years later when many things around us will change drastically. It will be great to remember our friends again that we tend to forget over time.

It surely is exciting. So, check out the Email Capsule. Yahoo! is one of the companies handling this project along with an entrepreneur. Read more about the project at this url.

Be sure to do it….Last day is 30th November 2005. Off to send myself an email 🙂 …..bye!!~~

PS: Here is another interesting url

hi!! this is the part 2 of “Start Downloading 2 to 8”. Before you continue, you may want to read the first part of the post. It deals with scheduling downloads.

Coming back, this method was tested on Huawei SmartAX 880 modem and this solution works for those who have that “Always On“. A similar kind of interface was found with Huawei SmartAX 800 modem.

Warning: Before you try this, make sure you save your existing connection settings.

1. Start–>Run. Type “cmd” or “command” and press Enter.
2. Type “ipconfig” in the DOS prompt and press Enter. Note down the IP address. Most of the time it will be
3. Open Internet Explorer and type
4. Expand the “Home” node and click on “WAN Setting”.
5. Change the “WAN Type” to “RFC2684Bridged”.
6. Click Apply, restart the modem and enjoy!!!

Now, you have to create a dialer to connect to the server. Follow these steps to create the dialer.

1. Start–>Control Panel (or) Start–>Settings–>Control Panel. Go to Network Connections.
2. Create a new connection. From now on, follow the wizard to create your broadband dialup account. You need to have your username and password for creating the same.

The reason why you may want to change to dial-up broadband connection is to schedule downloads. It is said that the modem must be restarted at 2AM to start a new session. Creating a new session by restarting the modem automatically is not possible. After you followed the above 6 steps, you have to follow another set of 6 steps found at , so that you can actually use that full 2 to 8 for downloads without overdoing your 1GB limit.

Most of the time, the Dataone Account Administration link at redirects to the wrong site. Use this instead, to monitor you broadband usage.

To restore back to “Always On”, follow the first 4 steps and then change the “WAN Type” to “PPP”. Give your username, password and select enabled for Use eDNS field. Click apply and restart the modem……

India – A Secular Country ???

November 7th, 2005


This is an account of a small incident of my friend……read on..

This is such an unfair question by itself (Is India a secular country?). The festival of lights, festival of joy invites shops, services, stores to increase sales during this period of diwali. But is diwali meant only for those who celebrate it? Isn’t a festival common to all? Common to mankind in general whether you reside in Europe or USA? Leave alone Europe ; it happened in Chennai.

Listening to grandma’s rants about diwali discounts, I entered a well reputed beauty parlour in the city which offered good discounts for all kinds of stuff done till Diwali in their parlour. The lady who was being attended to just before my turn was told that her payment would be Rs.6 for threading. But she was charged Rs.8-the real cost of threading without taking into account the diwali offer. When she inquired into the issue she was told that it was a diwali discount and since she was a Christian she couldn’t avail it!!!horror of horrors! In a secular, democratic, socialistic, republic (whatever they taught us in civics!)Country like India and among the well educated ladies of Chennai this discrimination based on religion still exists! What if she had worn a “bindhi” and walked into the parlour? She becomes a Hindu and gets the discount? The issue here was a matter of trivial two rupees which she could have easily parted with; but can India part with its secular policies because of shameful incidents like this?

In this age even when lowly thieving does not discriminate religions and caste, people earning a decent living do fail to notice this. Is this what our 57 years of independence as a free body taught us?Obviously enraged by this, the lady voiced out “What? You discriminate based on religion in a secular country like India? Be ashamed of yourselves to have spoken those words” and so on and also added ” I’m going to write about this to the newspapers and to the police. You will be in jail; remember that”. Although I’m not aware if one could be jailed for this because it was forgotten by the lady herself when she added, “I’m silenced now; be sure it does not happen to anyone else”. This incident is giving me nightmares because being new to this kind of aghast experience I never believed that religious discrimination ever existed in the world, should I remain oblivious to the incident and walk away like that lady?

Well, the least i can say is, this is really sad……

Happpppyyy Deepavaliiiiiii !!!

November 1st, 2005

hi!! dudes n duddetes,

I’m very happy today. the reason?? deepavali was excellent and this special deepavali will be in the archives for many many years to come.

During this deepavali, i met some of my school friends who were with me during the good as well as the bad times, extending their warmth when i needed the most. I visited most of their houses & believe me…..i didnt have lunch yesterday, because to all the houses we went, we were served with delicious delicacies that include gulab jamun, ribbon bakkoda, om podi etc. Ofcourse we gulped everything 😉 & what made them special was that every piece was home-made.

Back in the evening, we all met again at my place. This time, all of the things we did in the evening was shot in my friend’s handycam. We then burst a little crackers, ate a lot of sweets again & shot some more…..

On the whole, this deepavali was just great, not because of crackers or the new dress or anything else. It was just about friendship. By the end of the day, i wished no end to this day…..but all things must come to an end.

I know very well that this writing may not express so much i feel, but the feeling of the bond was excellent. If u are reading this blog & if you had experienced something similar in your life, kindly share it…….

Awaiting next deepavali…….bye!!~~

Shopping in rain

October 28th, 2005


Shopping in rain is a great experience, especially when all routes from ashok nagar to tnagar is flooded. Just on the spur of the moment myself and 1 of my friends decided to go shopping for deepavali because of 2 reasons.

1. TNagar wouldn’t be crowded today.
2. We can go splash..splash.. in rain water all the way to tnagar.

Nothing to stop us, we made our way to the shopping hub of chennai. As expected, there was nothing in sight expect some 2 or 3 autorichshaws & some die-hard shoppers who were in the same mind set as me ;-). In most places, we waded & literally swam across in knee deep water. The rain had started coming down heavily, thankfully i was covered….

Going thro’ the waters, the fastest mode of transport was the newspaperwalla tricycle and walking. After enjoying for more than an hours walk, we reached a place called duraisamy subway, the main link between Tnagar and the western side of the city. The subway was 95% submerged in H2O…..

Gosh!!! what a site it was to see a diesel auto half submerged in the subway. Water had already started to seep in thro’ the door & the driver was struggling. But anyway, we had to move. So we took a snap of that in my friend’s mobile & left for Tnagar. It was 5 minutes away & we were beginning to sense victory because the Pothys logo was visible. After another 15 mins of wading, we managed to reach Mount Everest (Tnagar)…

After shopping in Pothys, RmKV & Saravana Stores, we started heading back. Having tea & some hot bajjis, we saw yet another incident at the same subway. This time it was a van. Despite all the warnings of not to enter the subway, he entered the subway in full speed. He also reached the middle of it & the van stopped all of a sudden & didnt start. Watching all that, we smiled to ourselves thinking how much of a chennaite he was, “Born to break rules” even though it meant good to him.

The water that was knee deep had another grown another 10cm in the 3 hrs we shopped & started wetting my pants through the rain coat. We bundled all our clothes in 2 huge bags that we got from the shop & started floating the bags. What was the need to carry it when we were finding it difficult even to walk comfortably?? Splashing ofcourse was fun. 🙂

Another hour later, we reached home & received a sound thrashing…..yea, both of us :)). With a cup of piping hot chocolate, we narrated all our shopping experience. The 5th grade guy i told about here burst out laughing when i told him how a wave of water splashed on us when a jeep was trying to make it across the road.

On the whole, the shopping we did was something that i cant forget. This is the first time ever in my lifetime, i had shopped sooooo comfortably, dat too in Tnagar. Just for the sake, we went to Tnagar again today & my gracious God!! look at the crowd outside Saravana Stores. You would go mad just at the site of it.

Signing off now!! bye!!~~

DOS Games …

October 28th, 2005

hi!! this is a continuation of the previous blog…myself & one of my friends Ram had a chat about our memories & ofcourse most of it was filled with how we played DOS games. You can read that post here. That post is a bit long.

Here are some links where you can find your favourite DOS games.

1. DOS Games Archive
2. DOS Games Online

Some games are not supported on 32-bit platforms. To run them, you can download dosbox from


Some Good Old Memories

October 25th, 2005


This blog is about some good old memories that had been and will be with me…..

First off, my darling sunny. How many of you have used bajaj sunny. Well, we were one of the first buyers here & its been with us for the past 10 years & ya….. its still running. Some 3 days ago, i was compelled to take that vehicle out for a nearby store. & what a surprise it gave me when it started after 2 kicks. Great!!! bike oops! moped or scooter whatever…

Even today, its giving a mileage of 30kmpl & it travels at a speed of 50kmph after some struggle with the accelerator. My dad wanted to sell it last month. But i stopped saying that after another 10 years, it will become an antique & bike lovers will come after it… 😉

Second, comes my age old computer….not this 1 ofcourse!! I got my first computer during 9th grade summer holidays & what a superb configuration it had.
1. 1GB of HDD.
2. 8MB RAM.
3. A 31/2 floppy drive
4. A 51/4 floppy drive …. yes i got one with my old comp!!!
5. No cdrom drive or multimedia.

Floppy drive was considered to be the most modern thing ever at that time & we used to buy DOS games in at a rate of Rs.100. Games such Dangerous Dave & Prince of Persia 1 were the most popular with us at that time. Later, after around 6 months, we upgraded our system to 32MB RAM, got a 32X cdrom drive with a multimedia set. The first cdrom game that i played was RoadRash, followed by Motoracer 2, NFS 2 and Claw. They still remain the favourites primarily because they dont use much of system resource & they are simply great!!!

Still later, that same old system ran Windows 98 & we used to be very content with playing all the games mentioned above, all in 1GB & 32 MB RAM.

Third, its the magazine Tinkle. I cant just forget the days when myself & my brother used to wait for the newspaper boy who used to deliver it. Then as usual every fortnight morning, begins the fight as to who should read it first. Thanks to Uncle Anant Pai (Tinkle Editor) who made such a superb magazine.

Its very difficult to write for kids & i realised it when i read tinkle sometime back. There was a recipe to make ice-cream & there were instructions such as, “Take help from an adult for this” and “Be careful with knife” etc…

There are ofcourse lots of memories but i will reserve them for another post.

Till then, bye n take care……

Updating my blog…..

October 20th, 2005


With my dataone broadband connection wrecking havoc all around, i found it too difficult to cope up with dialup :-(. But something is better than nothing ;), so i was sticking around with it & thought of some things that i had not done for the past 1 week or so.

After broadband, checking mail was part of my routine – morning once, evening once & night once, like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now checking mail using dialup even once is becoming a nightmare. Second one was updating my blog. I was horrified by the thought that i hadnt updated it since the last 2 weeks. Third one is even worse, didnt read more than 3 dozen of offline messages that i receive. boooohoooo!!

Its sickening in dialup to see a google search webpage load at the “speed of light” for 2 minutes at 563 bytes/second. The speed also varies from 563 bytes to a blinding speed of 1.5 kbps. As far as downloads, 1 mb downloading for 5 mins 30 secs tears my nerves apart.

So, all i do is put a webpage for loading in the browser and go for a cup of coffee or choclate & come back to see to my heart-felt satisfaction, the webpage has half-loaded…… i press ESC in frustration.

And as expected, this page too is still loading, as the rest of the posts contemplate whether to appear or not…

bye!!~~ anyone reading this post, plz wish me good luck. Thanks in advance.

hi!! Microsoft has given some very cool online courses for free[1]. Check them out and make sure you make use maximum use of them. Most of these free courses are available for download also. To view them after download, u need the Offline Player.

1. ASP.NET –
2. Visual Studio 2005 (Whidbey) –
3. SQL Server 2005 (Yukon) –

1. The courses are free only for a limited period.
2. For optimum performance use IE6.0 SP1 with 1024*768 resolution.
